Monday, October 26, 2015

Ailene's Claymore and Head Progress

     In this update, I have included two takes on Ailene's weapon of choice, the claymore. The claymore is the Scottish take on the English broadsword, and it was meant more for crushing than actual slicing due to its weight and size.
     I have also including the progress on Ailene's head, I'm still working on her facial features (obviously), and I'm not too sure if her hair is going to work or not. As you can see I've taken the "play-dough" method on her hair where you actually sculpt the hair like any other part of her body.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ailene's Under Armor and Updated Hands & Neck

The model has been clothed in its under armor. The under armor is comprised of materials like tough fabric, leather and some chain armor. I have also included a shot of her hand which have been edited to have thinner fingers in an attempt to come off as more feminine. I also included a shot of Ailene's neck stump. The stump was made to not be overly gory, but it was also made to not look flat. The reason for this is to prevent the neck from looking too much like a stove pipe when I include the gas effect.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ailene Basic Anatomy Progress

 I did Ailene's basic anatomical structure in ZBrush. After this, I,m going to start working on her under armor and then her head. On a side note, I don't think I need to develop the anatomy too much, considering she's mostly covered in armor.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Character Design Drawings and Notes: Ailene the Dullahan

     For my project in portfolio, I have chosen to work on a character design for a Dullahan (headless knight) named Ailene.  Ailene is a knight who was part of an order that crusades the land, seeking and destroying whatever the order deems as evil. However, one day, Ailene was cursed by a sorcerer to become a dullahan, and, as a result, she has been labelled evil by her order for the crime of being a member of the undead. Now, Ailene, along with her rebellious wizard son, Tavish, are on a journey to break the dullahan curse before time runs out and the curse becomes permanent.
     The pictures I have depicted here include the original drawing of Ailene I had made for a drawing challenge, notes of things to consider when updating the original design, quick alternate take sketches of her, and a turnaround of a considered final design.